Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What Is Organic Coffee?

Organic coffee is grown using methods and 
materials that have a low impact on the 
environment. Organic production systems 
replenish and maintain soil fertility, 
reduce the use of toxic and persistent 
pesticides and fertilizers, and build 
biologically diverse agriculture. Third-party 
certification organizations verify that 
organic farmers abide by the law.

What does it mean to be certified?
In order for coffee to be certified and sold
as organic in the United States, it must be
produced in accordance with U.S. standards
for organic production and certified by an
agency accredited by the U.S. Department of
Agriculture. U.S. requirements for coffee
production include farming without synthetic
pesticides or other prohibited substances for
three years and a sustainable crop rotation
plan to prevent erosion, the depletion of soil
nutrients, and control for pests.

What is the size of the U.S. market?
Organic Trade Association data shows that
coffee sales in the United States amounted
to approximately $110 million in 2006, up
24 percent from the previous year. Other studies
show the figure could be much higher. A 2007
survey by Daniele Giovannucci and the Costa
Rica-based Sustainable Markets Intelligence Center
(CIMS) reported that approximately 65 million
pounds of organic coffee were imported into the
United States in 2006 with a retail value of
approximately $617 million. The authors estimate
the organic coffee sector represented 2.3 percent
of the total U.S. green coffee imports in 2006.
The 33 percent annual average growth rate for the
organic category documented by the researchers
between 2000 and 2007 dwarfs the estimated 1.5-2
percent projected annual growth rate of the
conventional coffee industry.

Where is this coffee grown?
This coffee is grown in 40 countries including
Bolivia, Burundi, Brazil, Cameroon, China, Colombia, 
Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, 
El Salvador, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, 
Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Lao PDR, Madagascar, 
Malawi, Mexico, Nepal, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, 
Philippines, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timore-Leste, 
Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, United Republic of 
Tanzania, United States (Hawaii), Venezuela, Vietnam, 
and Zambia. The leading producer countries are Peru, 
Ethiopia, and Mexico.

What is the size of the world market?
Global sales reached 67,000 metric tons (or about
148 million pounds) in 2006, a 56 percent increase
from 2003 when approximately 42,000 MT were exported.
Forty-four percent of the total America, of which
approximately 85 percent was consumed in the United States.

What products are in the marketplace?
These coffee products now on the market include decaffeinated,
caffeinated, flavored and instant coffees, ice cream and yogurt,
coffee sodas, hard candies, and chocolate covered beans.

What do the labels mean?
The USDA organic seal can appear on any coffee product
that contains at least 95 percent organic ingredients
and that has been certified as organic by a certification
agency accredited by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The coffee may also carry a label saying “100 percent organic”
or “Organic.”

Fair Trade
Fair Trade certification focuses on labor and trade
standards to provide small-farmer co-operatives a
guaranteed price above the conventional market. Not
all Fair Trade Certifiedä coffee is necessarily organic.
However, Fair Trade CertifiedTM does require strict
environmental stewardship such as prohibiting the use of
genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the most hazardous
pesticides. Seventy-eight percent of all Fair Trade CertifiedTM
coffee sold in the United States is certified organic.
n the United States, transactions must be audited by TransFair
USA to use a Fair Trade CertifiedTM label. Certified organic
producers of Fair Trade coffee receive at least $1.55/lb
(as of June 1, 2008).

Bird Friendly®
Bird Friendly® can only be used by operators that meet
inspection and certification requirements of the Smithsonian
Migratory Bird Center. All certified Bird Friendly® coffee
must also be certified organic. Bird Friendly® certification
requires that the coffee be shade-grown with a wide variety
of native shade trees and other shade-providing species. No
synthetic chemicals can be used in the processing of Bird Friendly®
coffee. For information on other eco-labels that may appear on
organic coffee, see
Article Source: Organic Trade Association
"Anytime Is Coffee Time!"

Friday, May 17, 2013

A Father Son Conversation, Memories.

My Dad has passed away since I wrote this article. He 
lived to be 87 years old, but I thought it was worth

So, I was with my Dad the other day, sharing old stories,
you know, picking his brain.  After all, he will be 84 years
old in September.  He's been around a little longer than I

He came from that generation of hard working people
where provision for the family was key.  A roof over our
head, 3 square meals, clothes on our back, and provide
for our immediate financial needs.

One of our topics of discussion turned to food.  Mom was
a great cook.  She just passed away this year.  In an Italian
family, food was always an important topic, and we have
excellent memories about Mom's cooking.

Well, Dad, being older now and with out Mom, tends to
go to restaurants when he's not at our house.  Restaurants
can leave a lot to be desired when it comes to healthy and
great tasting food.  We all tend to choose where we eat in
different ways.  For some it's all about money
(the cheaper the better).  Others need the ambiance
(comfort and elegance).   And finally, some go for a fair
 price for a good meal (not the cheapest, or the most expensive). 
For me, I lean toward the third category.  Give me a meal
that is fresh, good presentation, healthy with great taste at
 a fair price and I'm happy and so is my body. 

Giving this info to my Dad, changed (I think) his
perspective on where he eats.  Garbage in, does nothing
for your health or your dining experience.  I found out
Dad was going to a fairly cheap restaurant  serving
pre-cooked bacon and just plain loading a plate with
plenty of filling items, some without nutritional value,
not to mention the absence of great taste.  So I
recommended a friend's restaurant  that just opened in
a location downtown, close to where my Dad lives. 
Yes, the food was more expensive, but what a pleasurable
treat.  Fair price, good presentation, great taste, wonderful
service and all for $3 to $4 more in cost. 

I just found out Dad went back to the cheap place the
other morning for breakfast, it's hard to teach an old dog
new tricks, but I know he will be back at my friend's place
again, because he tasted the difference first hand.

Do we need the best?  No.
Do we need the cheapest?  No. 

Search out the places that have your best interest in mind. 
Buy quality products at a fair price.  When you find a
restaurant or business that serves you well, spread the
word and support them.

Our goal at Coffee Lovers USA is to be that place that
serves you well.  Hopefully this article will give you a
little bit of insight into who we are and what we are all
about.  Here to serve you.
"Anytime Is Coffee Time!"

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Cafe Essentials, Summer Time Refreshment...

It's not easy for true Coffee Lovers to be
excited about an instant coffee product in a
jar. But, we are excited to be bringing you,
Cafe Essentials.  CafĂ© Essentials is Dr Smoothie’s
gourmet specialty beverage line. Here's their story.....

Back in 1997, one great idea got its start and
was pursued with time-less effort that started in
the kitchen. This one idea has developed into the
InternationalBeginning with smoothies and then moving
into other specialty markets, the Dr Smoothie Brands 
have developed products that are health conscious,
delicious tasting and especially good for you.

Dr. Smoothie is famous for a healthy approach to
specialty beverages, and formulates products
with the consumers good health in mind.  Health
and wellness are the keys to a long and satisfying
life for you and your family.Barista's and home users
alike all agree that Cafe Essentials produce professional
results. Whether you prefer your beverages hot or blended
with ice and flavors.   Cafe Essentials is sure to impress.
"Anytime Is Coffee Time!"