Saturday, February 13, 2010

It's All About Health, Or Is It?

As I got involved in the coffee business I researched
his beverage. I wanted to be more educated so I could
pass on this information to our coffee family. I found
myself asking this question, is it all about health?

I learned about the many ups and downs about coffee,
which by the way, there seems to be many more ups,
as far as health is concerned. Also the importance of
freshness, whole bean verses ground, water temperature,
roasted the day of delivery, how to store it, cleaning your
coffee pot properly and the list goes on. All important
information and we do include this on our Coffee Lovers USA
website and more. But for me and many others, I just plainly
love the aroma that fills the room when a fresh pot is brewing.
The wonderful taste as I sample my first sip.

The variety of coffee beans from all around the world that
deliver their own distinct flavor. To me it's close to walking
into a home where fresh baked bread is just coming out of
 the oven.

Yes, I'm happy there are many health benefits surrounding
our favorite brew, but what makes me a coffee drinker is the
pleasure it brings in all the above mentioned areas.

Life can get pretty complicated at times and we can become
very analytical. So let's take a break from the busyness, take
a deep breath, put up a pot of our favorite brew. Don't chug it,
but sip it and enjoy the taste, the aroma and life will seem sweeter.
It's not the destiny but the journey we need to enjoy. Let every
moment count. Remember, "Any Time is Coffee Time."

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